Thursday, August 8, 2013

Letter From Billie Jo (Reesa's Mother)

Dear Brother's and Sisters,

Yes that is what we all are! :) Thank you for all of your support with the passing of Reesa. You have made it so nice by hearing about the love and the beautiful stories that Reesa had in your lives. She is such a beautiful daughter of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are all so important to Him; he will not have one of his sheep lost!!! He loves us all equally and there is a plan for each one of us. I know that the Lord has such love and compassion. He prepared me for this season of Reesa's death. I also know that her spirit lives on in a beautiful, very beautiful place in heaven. It's so exciting to know that there is a mansion prepared for all. Remember what we let go out of our hands God lets go of whats in his hands and its much much bigger,  He's God :) !! Our treasure lieth in heaven. The gospel of Jesus Christ is so true! The most important thing that we do on this earth is to love one another. I know that there is no room in heaven opposite of love. Live as each day were the last. And be yourself. We were all individually and intimately created. I know he wants us to be ourselves. We are not to judge anyone. What may be right for one person may not be right for another person. Just respect and love each other. Love moves mountains and we can be that person that removes a mountain from someone's path.

Thank you again for all of your love,
Reesa's mother and sister in Jesus Christ

Billie Jo

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